Annual Reviews


What impact did we achieve?

elea Annual Review 2022
Publication of elea, May 2023

In the past year, we positively impacted the lives of over 8.7 million people totaling more than 46.1 million people since our inception in 2006. Thanks to our intense pipeline work, we were able to invest in five new impact ventures. In addition, we opened the first elea Hub in Africa. We invite you to read our Annual Review 2022 to learn more!  

«Fighting Absolute Poverty with Entrepreneurial Means»

elea Annual Review 2021
Publication of elea, May 2022

2021 was another extraordinary year. Thanks to the implementation of comprehensive health measures, some countries could enjoy returning to fragile pockets of normality. However, many of the countries we are active in were not so fortunate. Despite this challenging environment, elea was able to significantly extend its impacted people base and impact intensity thanks to the successful growth of the portfolio and of many ventures. Find out more on elea's impact and other highlights of the year in our 2021 annual review.